Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6/27 - Day 24

Misty dawn over Lake Brophy.  Alexandria, MN.
Great day for trail riding (despite strong wind gusts) along the Lake Wobegon Trail (part deux).
Layered landscape.
If there is one thing that a day after day ride teaches, it is the natural ability of the human body to 'auto repair' (sleep being an inextricable component of the process).
Fellow trekkers on the Wobegon / Central Lakes Trail!  I enjoyed the opportunity to meet these gentlemen (Dave - white, Bob - Green).  Dave has made it all the way from the Golden Gate Bridge, final destination of Grand Rapids, MI (his home town).  Check out Dave's blog here.  Turns out he is also raising money / awareness for dwelling, for a CDC.
Detail.  Barn side.  I was struck by the way the panels resembled the day's conditions of blue skies and white clouds.  Brandon, MN.
Panel, window, door composition.  Brandon, MN.
Goldfinch.  Trail-side.  It is quite spectacular to experience a goldfinch dart across the trail just feet in front, then dart effortlessly into a bush for protection.  The flight patterns are pure, directed, and more graceful than the most sophisticated ballerina.
RWBB.  Marsh beyond.
Texture detail.  Grain Silo.  Reminds me of Knowlton Hall from my Ohio State days.
Pink and white lady's slipper!  State flower of Minnesota.  According to previous day's conversation with Peter and Julie, these are very rare to sight along the trail.  I had actually seen one just before conversing with them (and they were riding back to inspect it), but didn't photograph as I didn't realize its significance.  Turns out I would ride another 90 miles before spotting this bunch!  Quite rare indeed...  According to this link, these flowers sometimes take up to 16 years to bloom for the first time.  Awesome.
I didn't realize it beforehand, but the Central Lakes Trail is in fact a part of the Laurentian Continental Divide!  More info on CDs here.
This marker signifies 100 miles of cruising the Lake Wobegon / Central Lakes Trail.  Words can't describe my excitement / appreciation for finding and riding trails like these.
Majestic tree.  Evening sun.
Sun roaring through a cumulonimbus sky.  The cloud cover was widely varied for the day.  Ranging from pure blue and white, to fairly significant storm coverage (both to my east and west along trail), to these soaring masses late evening on my approach into Barnesville, MN.
Sunset over Wagner Park Campground.  Barnesville, MN.

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